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वज्रख्यावियाकतअदेसेवलसतीसातम: कर्णिक्यमध्यस्थानमकोणम: तत्तरैपूर्खमतदीदिव्याविलस्त: कोमलमकामरूपमकंदर्पोंनाम: वायूरनिवस्तीसतात्म: तस्यामध्येसामंत: जीवोबंधुजीवाप्रक्रमभिहासं: कोटिसूर्याप्रकाश:!


The mouth of the nadi is called vajra and in the pericarp, exists a beautiful, luminous and soft, constantly shining lightening-like triangle karmarupa, known as Traipura. The presence of vayu called kandarpa is omnipresent, which is of a deeper red colour like the bandhujiva flower, and is the Lord of Beings and resplendent like ten million suns. 

The tri-conjunction of mooldhara chakra in the pericarp is aptly portrayed. The triangle, according to visvanatha and gautamiya tantra is iccha-jnana-kriyatmaka (the powers of will, knowledge, and action). The triangle is the charming sakti pitha, above dhara-bija. The three lines are VAmA, JyestA and Raudri.  

This chakra is placed at glabella (space between the eyebrows). It is at this place on the forehead, one feels the sensations the time this chakra is activated. In Sanskrit language, this chakra is called the agya chakra आज्ञाचक्र, which in the English language, would translate to, the one which “commands”. At this point of confluence, the scope, provisions and possibilities of matter are off, and the life energies step into a “new domain”, which is beyond shapes and figures. In the Vedic system, the beej mantras for this chakra are recited in a manner encompassing exclusive inhaling followed by complete exhaling. It can also be implied in the sense of irrelevance of air reaching the organs or while being there. Simply putting, it is relevant only for this chakra, when enroute. To elucidate, there is no start or end point, as far as the activation of this chakra is concerned, since element earth is not a contributory factor in this chakra. 

As described in yog vashisht, this chakra has two petals, both of which are prominent as well as dominant. This chakra is what we recognize as the “pituitary gland”—the master gland of the body. If observed diligently, the stimulations generated by the recitation of the beej mantras of this chakra, create ripples and pulses, demonstrating a distinctive effect on pituitary gland. When a person is able to master concentration and focus, there is an enhanced realization about the effects being communicated to this gland. 

The inward and outward flow of energy from this chakra can be perceived in the form of a shapeless structure (according to my experience). To confer it a name, “ellipsoid” would be a suitable option, as it is almost impossible to define it within the periphery of a definite shape. Example of the never ending flame of a candle, determined by the length of the wick, would be a handy correlation to the notion, greater the concentration, greater would be the flow of energy in this chakra. 

The ethos of stimulating and activating this chakra lies in the ability to focus. Lack of focus would render scant possibilities of sensing this chakra. All three major nerves viz. ida, pingla and sushumna ईड़ा, पिंगला और सुषुम्ना, while embarking on their upward journey from the mooldhara chakra मूलधाराचक्र, convene at this chakra. 

Ida and pingla ईड़ा और पिंगला take the outward route from here, hosting themselves at the back of the ears, in the chakras. From here onwards, sushumna सुषुम्ना starts its journey upwards, possessing the combined energies of both ida and pingla ईड़ा और पिंगला nerves.




The above verse can be inferred as follows. Ida ईड़ा and pingla पिंगला are like rivers Ganga and Yamuna. Sushumna सुषुम्ना is like river Saraswati सरस्वती, flowing in the middle of the two. It is here, in agya chakra आज्ञाचक्र, that the confluence संगम of energy happens. This is the point from where one starts the journey, beyond the body. At this juncture, you are beyond the body to realise that you are not just a body. This confluence point is the turf where one gets blessed by Lord Shiva. Shiv, which is a Sanskrit word, can be translated as, “the one which isn’t but without whom there can be nothing”. As mentioned above, in this chakra, there is no shape or figure, but without it, there is no possibility of having any shape or size. 

The time you would be able to activate this chakra, the same would have a trickling effect on your societal association, in addition to providing you a scope for the spiritual world. There are six major virtues in terms of societal connection, which are experienced, post the activation of this chakra. These are:

  1. Intellect 

  2. Power to manifest, by just having its thought

  3. Fearlessness

  4. The one who can host anything

  5. Recoiling of virtue

  6. Power to guide

There would be no engagement of the sensory system for activation of this chakra. One won’t visualize or see any kind of light or lights and nor would you be detecting any sound. There would be nothing in this chakra, which you shall be able to express in words. Simply stating, since all that you have experienced is beyond the sensory body, therefore, if you have witnessed things which you are in a position to communicate or share with others, you are definitely not executing the same in a correct manner. Whatever you have accomplished, is just a hallucination.  

In any case, if one is focusing on the agya chakra and the following virtues are visible and prominent, one can be confident of treading the established path.

  1. Your presence is solicited and welcomed.

  2. You have a greater perception of having the sense of events before their occurrence, and have the ability to change the course and hence the result of those events.

  3. You do not carry any kind of emotions or passion, even if you are condoned or condemned. 

  4. You speak less; your vocal articulation is only to promulgate truth and clarify any myths.

  5. Although you involved in the act, yet untouched by its outcome.

  6. You do not regard anyone as a physical entity but rather your association is based upon the energies inherent in another person.

  7. You are wealthy and satisfied. 

  8. You normally don’t fall sick, and your diet is determined by hunger and not by the timing. 

It is the confluence of these three nerves viz. ida, pingla and sushumna ईड़ा, पिंगला और सुषुम्ना in the designated space, that the energy develops newer formulations and is all together different. There is no heat or coldness and in addition, there is no recognition of the sensory system. Presumably, there can be no definition of this unnoticeable and unrecognisable “energy”, rejuvenated by high voltages. Focus on these points of conductivity, in a specific location, is the ethos of this chakra. 

The synapse between the two hemispheres of the brain is the point where the two petals of this chakra meet each other. It is here, that the energy goes beyond the societal and emotional sense and realises higher energies. Post this realization, i.e. following the activation of agya chakra, a person in the real sense, starts understanding the spiritual world and its intricacies.  

Consciousness about yourself, till now, has been your association with the body and its senses and how and what the societal norms have been. In this chakra, you go beyond all these. Embodied in this chakra, is the ability to realise that consciousness integrates a lot more than just the ones mentioned above. There would be consciousness about the “energy body”, which has been there all this while, but you have been ignorant about it. This subtle energy is too eager to meet its Shiva, but the path isn’t clear and there is nothing to support its movement. Our perceptions and convictions about the emotional life has been a contributory factor in blocking its path and, hence the abode. The idea of perceptions is obvious and overcoming them extends a possibility to sight a vision, thereby facilitating the capability to enter into agya chakra. 

Existence of perceptions and convictions would hinder entry into this space, as there is nothing in this chakra which can have a “shape”, and convictions and perceptions are nothing more or less than psychological shapes of your own thoughts and concepts. Pineal gland is a part of the brain, which gets stimulated during the process of activating this chakra. This happens parallel to the creation of stimulations in the pituitary gland, followed by greater secretion of positive and healthy hormones like serotonin. 

During the period when a person is awake, sense is greatly driven by seeing or vision. While employing sight, things that one witnesses, drives the emotions. Interestingly, it is this sight that generates the corresponding emotions. As to what you perceive of that sight—liking or disliking—ultimately generates those emotions. However, this undergoes a transformation the time agya chakra is activated. It is the inner vision which eventually takes over, as the release of DMT neurotransmitter happens, post stimulations in the pineal gland. But, these inner visions are not something you would be seeing with your open eyes. As observed in a number of cases, the person sees himself as another person (what is normally referred as out of the body experience). 

Yog will guide you in a direction towards a deeper and inner self and a newer outer world, with sight and light having an all together different meaning. This shift, devoid of perceptions and convictions, is what will happen, post activation of the agya chakra. Many a school of thoughts advocate the concept of a guided activation (called hallucination in psychology). Under its purview, a pupil/client is made to drive and direct the emotions on a prescribed path, stemming the sensations in the glabella area which further trickle down into the pineal gland. This kind of activation or speculated activation may effectuate a sense of having the agya chakra activated but whether it is really activated or not, could be anyone’s guess. As a part of my teaching, I would facilitate this path for you. Difficult as it may seem, my prerogative is to help you achieve this course of action. 

There are a few pertinent physical yog postures, considered suitable in activating this chakra. However, as mentioned in vishudhi chakra also, there is very little that a physical body can do for the activation of these two chakras (as there is nothing which a physical body can do for the activation of the sahastrdhara chakra). 


Breathing स्वाँस 

For stimulating this chakra, you need to focus on the movements occurring in your midline and spine area when you are breathing. Simply putting, while inhaling and exhaling, you need to monitor the observations in these areas. The greater the observation better would be the scope to stimulate the chakra and its resultant activation. If one is diligently noticing the breath, there would be a realization, of change in its temperature when confined to the nostrils and the time it is gone past the throat area and reaches lungs. This process can be adopted to master the observational qualities, following which one is able to recognise the variations occurring in the spine clearly. Variations would be noticeable in ripple/tingling and their intensity and concentration can also be ascertained; as these changes vary from being significant to just minute. Undoubtedly, their presence is indisputable, as while inhaling, you will observe a tendency among them to move towards the direction from where the breath is being sucked in. Ultimately, this reverses and they start moving in the opposite direction when you exhale. This translates into a change in position which it has been holding till now, and you would be pleasantly surprised to register their presence, hitherto unrecognised and unrealised by you. 


Physical Yog योग

There are a few movements which I normally ask the clients to perform. Basically, these are rapid eye movements from the right to the left and from top to the bottom before proceeding towards attempting physical postures of the body. The objective behind these eye movements is to relax the eyes, glabella and the forehead area in addition to taking away the thoughts from the brain. 


Kapalbhatti कपालभाटी

For performing this aasan, you can choose to be either in sidh aasan सिद्धआसन or padma aasan पद्माआसन. Increase the breathing rate, which means you have to inhale and exhale as fast you can. However, in both the cases, the muscles in your abdominal area should either contract or stretch. Doing this exercise without engagement of the abdominal muscle would be a waste of time and energy with no fruitful results. This exercise when done in a correct manner, helps in the release of toxins from body and also aids in relieving body and mind of stress.



Lom Vilom लोमविलोम 

For this aasan also, you can choose to sit in either sidh aasan सिद्धआसन or padma aasan पद्माआसन. Engage your thumb to press your right nostril and inhale from the left nostril. Here onwards, while exhaling, use your ring and little finger to press the left nostril and breathe out from your right nostril. Repeat this exercise as many times as you can while maintaining the stretching and contraction stance of your abdominal muscles. 



Virbhadhra Aasan वीरभद्रआसन

This aasan derives its name from a form of Lord Shiva, namely, Virbhadhra. In this form, Lord Shiva is in an angry mood. For performing this aasan, stand straight with an erect back and then move your right leg forward and bend its knee. While holding this position, stretch your head with spread fingers of your hand over your head as if one is trying to catch something. Breathe fast and heavy while maintaining this pose. Continue the breathing as long as you can comfortably and then return to the standing position. Now, relax and repeat the exercise with left leg forward. Do ensure that the time period for both the legs remains the same and uniform number of breaths are inhaled and exhaled with either of leg stretched forward. 



Viprit Virbhadhra Aasan विप्रीतवीरभद्रआसन

For performing this aasan, you need to be standing straight with an erect back. Now, from this position, stretch your legs sideways till you are comfortable holding on to that position. Now, turn your torso towards the right leg and raise your right hand above your head while keeping your left hand on the thigh or knee of the straight and stretched left leg and bend the right knee. Let your head follow your hand making and bend a little backwards as if you are watching the fingers of your right hand. Hold on to this position while maintaining a heavy and hard breathing. Hold as long as you are comfortable and then return to the position of stretched legs while keeping the torso straight. Relax before performing this exercise on the other side. This aasan has proven beneficial in providing strength to the legs, abdominal area and shoulders in addition to extending flexibility. 



Setu Bandha Sarvangaasan सेतुबंधसर्वांगआसन

In this aasan आसन, you need to lie down on your back, with legs stretched forward. Now, bend your knees and lift your pelvis while keeping your shoulders and head on the ground. Hold onto this position and bring your arms in the space created by lifting up of your lower torso and let the hands clip together. Hold this position for as long as possible, and when you choose to return, first untangle the hands and move your arms to the side of the body and gently let your body touch the ground. As your torso has touched the ground slowly, stretch your legs forward and relax before repeating the exercise. 


Mtsaya Aasan मत्स्यआसन

To carry out this aasan, lie down on your back with your hands comfortably resting around the waist area. Now, try and bend your head inwards so that your chest and shoulders are slightly lifted from the floor while keeping your hands on the ground. Try to accommodate the entire load of chest and shoulders on your neck area without any assistance from arms. Maintain this position for as long as you can, without inviting any strain on the neck, back, and cervical area. It is essential not to hold the stretched position while feeling breathless, ensuring that breathing remains normal. 



Trikon Aasan त्रिकोणआसन

For performing this aasan, you need to stand straight with an erect back. Now, stretch your legs sideways to the position as you are comfortable holding it there and able to balance yourself. While in this position, move your right arm to the back of your right leg in a manner that you are able to hold the heel of your right leg and move your left arm over your head and place your head in a position as if you are following your left arm and are able to see the fingers of your left hand. Hang on to this position while holding the breath inside you. Hold this position for as long as you can before returning to the standing position with your legs stretched sideways. Relax your body and try to breathe normally, before repeating this exercise on the other side. This aasan helps in improving digestion and provides great relief from stiff legs and hips and has also been found beneficial in easing sciatica pain. 



Phalaasan पलआसन

For performing this aasan, lie down on your belly and lift yourself with bended elbows in an effort to form a plank. Try and keep your entire body in a straight line and keep your head in a forward looking position while keeping your breath normal. Maintain this position as per your comfort levels without feeling breathlessness. This aasana increases the strength of abdominal muscles in addition to strengthening legs, chest and shoulders. 



Vashishth Aasan वशिष्टआसन

For performing this aasan, you need to lie on your high side. Now, lift your body sideways using the right hand. Lift your body till the time the right hand becomes fully stretched and keep your feet joined, with one placed over the other. 


Salbhas Aasan सलभसआसन

For performing this aasan, you need to lie down on your belly with arms around the waist area. From this position, lift your head, chest and legs while keeping your arms in the air. Hold on to this position for a while and try sustaining your breath as long as you can comfortably. Now, return to the first position of lying down on your belly. Relax for a while before repeating the exercise. 



Supta Padangusthasan सुप्तपदंगुस्तआसन

In this aasan आसन, the inner muscles of the legs and the bridge joining the legs are stimulated, which helps in activating the root chakra. 

Spread your arms completely at shoulder height and then lift your leg and try and touch the hand of that side while rotating your head in the opposite direction. Repeat the same exercise on other side also, whilst ensuring that there is no stress on the back and there is a feeling of stimulations on the “bridge” of the legs.



Ustr Aasan उस्त्रआसन

For performing this aasan, sit on the bent knees whilst keeping your spine erect and shoulders comfortably spread and the chest area protruding out. Now place your hands on the waist, and push the chest further in front while bending your spine backwards. The degree of bending the spine is entirely dependent on your flexibility levels. Further, touch the heels of the feet with your hands and maintain this position for a significant period. Under no circumstances, try and overdo, as it may prove detrimental for the back. 



Bhujang Aasan भुजंगआसन 

For performing this aasan, lie down on your belly and bring your folded arms close to your chest and using the strength of your arms with the support of spine muscles, lift your upper torso from the ground while keeping your pelvis and lower torso on the ground. Now, lift your body and stretch backwards while keeping the maximum weight on the arms, which would be almost straight by now. Remain in this position as per your comforting levels and slowly return to the position of lying on your belly. 



Apanaasan अपानआसन

As you are aware, the root chakra is at the tip of the spine. This aasanआसन , helps in stimulating the tip and the corresponding muscles of the area. Lie down on your back with your legs extended forward, and slowly bend your knees one by one or at one go, depending on the existing strength of the pelvis area (at no point of time, stretch yourself beyond your comfortable limits) and move these bent knees towards the chest area. 

You will experience the lifting of the tip and of the spine too. It is okay if it rises above the ground but do try to keep it to the ground while moving your bent knees towards the chest. When your knees have come close to the chest, grope them with your arms and hold them while keeping your breathing normal. 

Release the position and gently place your feet on the ground in forward extended position and relax and keep your head and rest of the body on the floor. Now, slightly lift your legs, hold them and then release. At this point, you should be feeling some sensation in the tip of the spine. In case you are not that observant, you can feel the change in the muscles surrounding the spine. 



Hand Formulations बंध

Yoni mudra योनिमुद्रा is the बंध for this aasan. For forming this mudra, join the tips of your index fingers and those of your thumbs in a position that they are repulsing each other and placed at the opposite ends. Form this mudra and observe the changes in breathing and the movement of energy within. 



Focus-based Exercises ध्यानक्रिया

This is a major key for stimulating and activating this chakra. The focus should be maintained above the eyes around the forehead area. At no point, you should let the focus shift to any other place in your system, or try hallucinating. Imagine things and aim to generate a “feel good” rather than “being good” element.


Mantras Recitation मंत्रउच्चारण

The mantra for this chakra should be recited in the following manner to obtain the best results




Before reciting this mantra, keep the chest area without breath, which means exhale out fully. 



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