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Solar Plexus cleansing: Breathing Exercises and Pranayam


There are nine major chakras in the body, the word chakra as described in Sanskrit language, is the place where the mani (jewel) resides, mani which is the power/wealth of life, which is heat. This form of energy, which is termed as agni(fire), in vedas is first reflection of life, the warmth in your breath, body temperature, the temperature mandatory for the functioning of the brain, heart, the heat in the abdominal, in your stomach, in muscles, tissues the heat required for the movement of the axons, neurones………is also defined by the heat resonated by the functioning of this chakra. This chakra, apart from defining the functionalities of the body also governs the nature of the person while approaching anything and everything, the way the path is laid to reach to the target what are the nitty grits in the passage towards the goal and what and why is it so prudent to have the thing, the necessity and euphorias is all governed, as to how this chakra is.

Sombreness, as being mentioned to be mandatory in vedas while exploring and enhancing the within, is unfortunately taken as “seriousness”, this seriousness makes this exploration a kind of stress for the person who is undertaking it, hence the rejoicing of enhancement and unfolding the unknown virtues and capabilities, becomes a stress. While these methods were laid to nullify the stress and its ill effects, somehow they have become part of the list, by which stress increases. People dont enjoy performing them, and hence their is a definite schedules which are laid as to when these exercises are to be performed, the connect of these exercises with the psychological part, is snapped, which the author feels, leads to defeating the very essence of these exercises.

The conduits transmitting and/or carrying energy to and fro, from this chakra, are cleansed by adopting breathing exercises in which these conduits are cleansed through air and heat pressure as generated by holding the breath, at a particular location in the body and also the duration as to how long the breath is held, this pressure clears away the plaque and residual depositories in these microscopic nerves, hence making the body avail the benefits of the resonating “solar plexus”.

This chakra, when in its full glory, makes the person admired by all, and is one of the most hot topics amongst circles, and yet that person doesn’t gets carried away by the accolades and appreciations gathered, but is so well balanced and complete, which leaves no chance of others observations to affect and effect, its being and behaviour. It isn’t that the person cultivates the smile and charms, but they are there naturally as part of its personality.

1 Comment

May 06, 2020

Sir🙏🏻,Thanks for enlightening us with yet another excellent video .Never realised that we can cleanse and unblock our chakras with such simple breathing exercises 🙏🏻 . Please continue to guide us in this journey within ourselves to enhance our existence🙏🏻. Shiv Om🙏🏻

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