Stress unfortunately has become associated with the modern day living, wether you intend or not, the element of Stress remains. This has its prudent presence in each and everyones life, right ranging from home to profession, it is part of every sphere of life, and more than often leads to illness, such as Hypertension, Diabetes, migraine, personality disorders, OCD and in quite a significant number of cases leads to suicide or developing suicidal tendencies, where the person is failing to find any respite from the present ordeal and sees no recourse for the change in the scenario to happen.
Stress, is felt when there is percieved or immeditate threat, for or towards the person or someone whom you like, such as immediate family or someone who is emotionally close to you, and to counter this body immediately releases cortisol hormone, which ensures high release of glucuose and curbs the release and action of insulin, in order to ensure flow of glucose to the larger muscles and to sustain life. But when this process continues for long or its frquency is high, then the body Increased blood sugar levels. Insulin typically helps the cells convert glucose to energy. As your pancreas struggles to keep up with the high demand for insulin, glucose levels in your blood remain high and your cells don’t get the sugar they need to perform at their best.
Weight gain. As your cells are crying out for energy, your body may send signals to the brain that you are hungry and need to eat. Studies have demonstrated a direct association between cortisol levels and calorie intake in populations of women. False hunger signals can lead you to crave high-calorie foods, overeat and thus gain weight. Unused glucose in the blood is eventually stored as body fat.
Suppressed immune system. Cortisol’s positive action to reduce inflammation in the body can turn against you if your levels are too high for too long. The elevated levels may actually suppress your immune system. You could be more susceptible to colds and contagious illnesses. Your risk of cancer and autoimmune diseases increases and you may develop food allergies.
Digestive problems. When your body reacts to a threat, it shuts down other less critical functions, such as digestion. If the high-stress level is constant, your digestive tract can’t digest or absorb food well. It’s no coincidence that ulcers occur during stressful times and people with colitis or irritable bowel syndrome report better symptom control when they get their stress under control.
Heart disease. Constricted arteries and high blood pressure can lead to blood vessel damage and plaque buildup in your arteries. They could be setting the stage for a heart attack or stroke.