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Sacral Chakra: Key to Sense and Sensuality


Today we will continue with exploration, healing and activating the second chakra of the body, the sacral chakra. This chakra as i had explained is responsible not only for emotions but also with interpretations of those emotions. The sacral chakra is the second chakra. It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. Its element is water and as such, its energy is characterised by flow and flexibility. The function of the sacral chakra is directed by the principle of pleasure. 

The most common location for the sacral chakra is about three inches below the navel, at the center of your lower belly. In the back, it’s located at the level of the lumbar vertebrae.

It is associated with the lymphatic system.

The sacral chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions:

  • Emotions, feelings

  • Relationships, relating

  • Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure

  • Feeling the outer and inner worlds

  • Creativity

  • Fantasies

The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. 

When this chakra is blocked or isnt behaving in the right manner, then the person is unable to leave its explicit memory, the memory which is there because of the events and incidences which have happened in the past, those events incidences keep reoccurring in persons memory which won’t be wrong to say those not so good events keep haunting the person and the person time and again relives those tormenting times, if this chakra is not healed it leads to several emotional distresses and is more than likely to effect one’s psychological health. When this gets more and more, then the person deduces the actions, behaviour and exhibiting of emotions of its family too in the manner, and always finds them to be insensitive towards him, wont be wrong to say that the person develops always prevailing emotion of “remorse”, which results in friction within the family, with its spouse and also with its progeny. Person without really realising, starts taking family as a liability, then starts avoiding being there with them, and takes refuge for his absence in name of work or social demands, like attending more social gatherings, which is just because the person doesnt wants to spend time with its family. As what has been witnessed, non performing or wrongly performing energies emitting from the sacral chakra lead to post traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer’s apart from person getting affiliated with Obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficiency hyper anxiety disorder. 

Sacral chakras optimum functioning effects apart from regulating the psychological health also lays its impact directly on the physical body, control of the digestive system, which can be understood as if there is sense of hunger from within or not, how the consumed food behaves as in whether it is properly digested, or some enzyme medicines are to be administered for the digestion process to initiate, which means the secretion of enzymes is more than less is also controlled and regulated by sacral chakra. The sacral chakra resonates with our need for relationships and our need to control or create the dynamics of our physical world. The second chakra shifts from obeying tribal, family authority, and allows us to discover satisfying relationships and interests of our Being creative in nature, the sacral chakra’s main focus is allowing the individual to discover what they enjoy, to form hobbies, create loving and exciting relationships, and even creativity in lovemaking and sexual eroticism.

The second chakra is centered on personal identity or personal play in the external world and how it responds to the seductive forces of the physical world. Therefore, if the second chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to addictions of drugs, sex, gambling and money.

The Svadhisthana is the foundation of a healthy ego that allows us to interact with the world without selling ourselves short or pretending to be someone we are not. A person with a strong second chakra can survive financially and physically on his or her own and bond with others to form harmonious friendships. A balanced second chakra has the ability to take risks and have the resilience to recover when things go A sacral chakra in distress can form abusive, controlling relationships, and cause bullying in the workplace, fear of abandonment, and loss of financial and creative power.

The lesson the sacral chakra teaches us is that every relationship we create – from the casual to the most intimate – has a purpose, no matter how painful, to help us become more consciously aware of our karma and ourselves. Some relationships are necessarily difficult because it makes us learn about our own limitations and ourselves.

Through this lesson, we remember that nobody is perfect – all human beings are beautifully flawed. So the next time that rude colleague is mean to you, try to empathize with them. They might be having a rough day or perhaps had a turbulent childhood that has caused a number of complexes. The most common of the example of blockage in this chakra can be traced from the childhood days, where there was repeated and common complain, of the teacher being partisan in its approach, and is targeting you the most and reprimanding and insulting you from the mischief for which it lets go the other student, the same can be sensed in the office, when there is same complain about the board or the boss, who is having a personal rivalry with you, and is not complementing you for your outstanding performance but insulting you for small flaws, this may sound as surprising but yes this is because of your blocked sacral chakra. It is energy which makes the things, the body, society office or family is just a reaction to what your energies are, so in order to set the behaviour of any or all of them right, just set your chakras right, and be pleasantly surprised. 

Apart from the psychological and physical well being Sacral chakra plays an prudent role in spiritual enlightenment of an individual, activation of sixth sense or gut feeling about things, are common known traits of this chakra. This chakra when in its correct order and texture does leads the person towards higher frequencies, by which the person is able to sense the things of the near future, initially related to him or her, but when this chakra by the virtues of meditation and other exercises, which are beyond the ambit of this video as they are individual specific, can lead the person not only to control his behaviour but makes the person capable of changing the behaviour of the people with whom he or she interacts. Which is commonly known as strong aura, which can change the course of the discourse and out comes of the events.  I will exhibit how this sacral chakra can be healed through the process of breathing, breath which is the most prudent indicator of life and being alive. In this episode we will be inhaling the breath through our nose which would more than normal and then keeping it in the mouth hold it for a while then taking it to the throat holding it there and then pushing it down to the location where the sacral chakra is.....i will just exhibit. Inhale now take the inhaled air to your mouth hold it there feel the strech in around your cheeks now push the breath to your throat hold it there the throat area will strech now feel the pulsations in your throat now push the air further down to your sacral chakra making the abdominal muscles to protrude feel the tingling sensations around your naval and lower naval area, pull back the air from the sacral chakra and exhale through your nose, feel the energies which have been stimulated by this exercise, repeat the exercise again there are sounds which are also heard during this exercise but those are individual specific as every individual has varying magnitudes of these energies so not mentioning them. In the next article

we will take the path of yog, in which we will use breath, physical body and the chit which is known as psychological body to heal and activate this chakra.



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